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Dr. Jamie Fettig

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Well there is one catch with that

In the last lesson I told you how your inner knowing is able to harness the powers of the universe to help you achieve amazing results.

Well there is one catch with that.

You inner knowing processes your requests through the "filter" of your purpose. Whatever you and your inner knowing have created your life purpose to be (irregardless of whether you did it consciously or not). If your requests are inline with fulfilling your life purpose, you are golden and will achieve results with minimal effort. If your requests are not inline with your life purpose, all the struggle, effort and work you can imagine will not produce lasting results.

You and your inner knowing create your purpose. And for most people, they did it unconsciously. Which means that if you want something different, you can now create a new purpose consciously. Your inner knowing has absolute "Veto" power over your new purpose. Which means if you create one your inner knowing doesn't like, it won't accept it.

Communication with your Inner knowing is a two way street. When you put in a request for a new purpose, if you pay attention you will get a signal, sign, awareness or some form of knowing if the new purpose was approved or not. You can even ask for a sign so big, you will know beyond any shadow of a doubt if the new purpose was granted approval. If not, you can ask if the idea needs to be changed, parts of it need to be changed, if there is something you need to learn or know for it to be accepted, if it is a conditional acceptance or if you have to scrap the purpose all together and go in a completely different direction.

Little hint, making money will almost never be part of your purpose. But guess what, if you are making money in a way that is fulfilling on your purpose, you can make as much of it as you want.

Often when someone's purpose is getting in the way of being thin and healthy, it is only because there is something to learn or be aware of and your inner knowing is using your extra weight as a way to make sure you get what it is trying to tell you.

The signals I talked about with letting your inner knowing be aware of when you want it to listen can be seen in another light as well. For some this is the same thing as praying to God. If you do it in a 'structured way' it is creating a signal to your inner knowing (holy spirit) unleashing the unlimited powers of God (the universe) to help give you exactly that.


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